Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Instead of Three Wishes. Conspiracy of Kings countdown continues.

Really? Only 49 days left? That doesn't give me much time to read the rest of her novels does it? (I am excited though! Only a little more than a month and I can find out what's been happening to Sophos all this time. . .)

I FINALLY picked up Instead of Three Wishes at the library this week and it was SIGNED by none other than Megan Whelan Turner herself. If it didn't say, quite plainly 'for the librarians at ---- library' I would probably just keep the book and consider being forever banned from the library for fear of them realizing I'm the one who took it worth the exchange.

Ok. Maybe not. I would have to get books from somewhere. But still. Its tempting.

I've only actually read one of the stories so far (I fear I got a bit distracted with Juliet Marillier's Foxmask. Fabulous book --and I was convinced I would never like Marillier) but it WAS very amusing. Short stories have never been something I could master. I can manage a 'tale' in a page or two so long as all the events and characters are just a little vague and summery-like but once I really get into a character's head --or describing the setting or any other detail that makes it all tangible . . . oh dear me. I've got another half finished novel on my hands. Half finished novel. If I could sell those I'd be a millionaire . . . but I degrees.

Instead of Three Wishes. First story: A Plague of Leprechaun

(O dear, the little people heard me didn't they? And I not even Irish. They'll curdle me milk for sure)

A cute story. Clever. The plague of tourists I can understand, Irish or no. And the sanctity of art even if I can't draw anything more than a stick figure myself. I don't suppose there is much one can say about a short story without giving everything away but the characterizations were quick and vivid and the pacing quick, the details colorful and original. Charming. Now if only I can unlock the secret to such mastery myself.

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