Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reading List

I've decided to make a point of reading through all the books on my shelf that I for one reason or another haven't got around to yet. The books at the moment are:

Avalon --by Anya Seton

Silverlock --by John Myers Myers

Perchance to Dream --by Lisa Mantchev

The Wind's Twelve Quarters --by Ursula K. LeGuin

The Golden Apple of the Sun --by Ray Bradbury

The Lady in the Loch --by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough

Tam Lin --by Pamela Dean

Artemisia --Alexandra Lapierre

I am also taking a vow to get my hands on Delia Sherman's The Porcelain.

So here's hoping I have time to get through them all. Wish me luck. There maybe book reviews some time in the near future.


  1. Ambitious list!

    Last summer I read 13 books and this year I'm looking to do the same. I'd like to read a book a week for the year- I'm halfway there so it looks like it might happen.

    Good luck!

  2. Perchance to Dream is also on my to-read list as well. :)

  3. Do you like Mercedes Lackey? Her Bardic Voices series is something that might appeal to you as well!

  4. That sounds like a fun task! Have fun...I have a list of books I want to read too but it's far less than 13!

  5. I've never read any Mercedes Lackey. I may have to look her up. :)

  6. My TBR stack is taller than me and wider. Every week I promise myself I won't buy any new books until I finish all the books in my stack...and every week I buy more books.

    So many yummy books, so little time. *sigh*
