Saturday, August 8, 2015

Weekend Writing Warriors: WHITE HART #10

Hello again bloggers! I hope you are all enjoying the weekend and all the snippets. Go here to read the rest of them :-)

Here's a piece from my new release WHITE HART

“The first knight of Camelot. Arthur's best knight and his worst.”
Gawain turned toward the low, knotted voice. The sorcerer Merlin smiled. A thin little smile on a thin little man. His long robes rippled like the surface of a lake as he sat down next to Gawain.
Gawain narrowed his eyes. “Ye question me loyalty?”
“No.” The sorcerer's black eyes were small, crowded by the frail wrinkles on his cheeks and forehead. “Never that. Loyalty is your greatest quality --and your greatest vice.”

If you want to read more about Gawain click here to order your copy of WHITE HART!

Gawain of Orkney has not been to Camelot since before his father led a rebellion against King Arthur. Now that the war is over Gawain is sent to attend Arthur's wedding.

The night of the wedding Arthur bids Gawain to hunt a white hart -- a beautiful deer of unearthly purity. Gawain accepts the quest but the dangers of the wilderness become hard to battle when he is bound by Arthur's new ideals. Gawain realizes he may not be so different from the knights of the old, violent ways of as he had imagined.

Gawain does not have long to decide which life he wants to chase. Not all the rebels put down their swords when his father did. The knights of the old ways are planning an assassination and even King Arthur may not survive his own idealistic trust.

1 comment:

  1. An idealist is very hard to live up to.
    I love your description of Merlin. Very nicely done.
    Thank you for sharing, Taryn
